(Tom, when are we getting that drink?)
I was raised a Catholic, hence the title. Even though Catholicism is technically a New Testament religion, there does seem to be a fair amount of Old Testament bluster about it. Personally I would like to have seen Moses descend Mt Sinai with “The Top Ten Tips for a Happy Life”, or “Ten Ways to Avoid Problems in another 3000 years”. If only Moses were around now, he would be writing some spanking Blogs. Would Mohammad, Moses and Jesus all be writing on the same platform?
Joking apart, as we pull the trigger* on paid subscriptions (more about that at the end of this post) I am turning my mind to things like quality and accountability.
What is it I will write about and what form will it take? The answer to the first question is that I am interested in relationships and behaviour with a particular regard given to trauma and post traumatic growth. There is an aspect of the spiritual in my writing, but it is not overt. There is also a factual nature to some of what I write, but it is tempered with imagination and humour.
What form this writing will take is more of a mixed bag. I am a poet, an artist, playwright, a maker, performer and researcher. So my writing will be an eclectic mix of all of these things. I want to use everything at my disposal to share my ideas on the growth of society toward health and happiness.
To achieve this I have set ten rules for myself to follow, and I thought it might be useful for some, or all, or none, for me to share them here. At the end of these slides there is some information about the Driftwood Studio paid sucbsrption content so please share and subscribe if you want to keep up dated on our work.
If you are in the Greater Manchester (UK) let’s go for a coffee and take it to the real. Or if you want to book a call you can use the button link below.
*why are actions so often described with violent imagery: “I killed it,” “we smashed it.” ?
There you have it.
My ten rules for writing that I will be applying to my own writing as we move this circus forwards. Please pick me up if you see me breaking any rules. We are an anarchic community here, and all are therefore responsible for one another.
Paid Content
That is the dream right? I have been writing free content since the beginning of the summer, and now as we pass through the glorious beauty of autumn to face the Winter months, I am thinking ahead to what we want Driftwood Studio to become. More of that further down the line. To begin with I will be publishing in series my personal account of head injury and the subsequent fallout from Post Concussion Syndrome and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This is a hotch-potch of poetry, diaries, a short story and some other bits and pieces cobbled together in much the same way that my life became cobbled together through the process of recovery.
The first part of “Its Great When You Start Feeling Normal Again,” will be published on the 5th November in celebration of Guy Fawkes night. If you don’t know what that is, it is a British Celebration when we commemorate an act of terrorism against the British Government. Although he “Gunpowder” plot failed, and the Houses of Parliament were not blown to pieces, we still enjoy an evening of setting of smaller explosions. I am never quite sure whether we are celebrating the capturing of Guy Fawkes or or what he was trying to achieve. I don’t think anyone really cares anymore as long as there are exploding projectiles, alcohol and pouring rain. Ah the British - celebrating history in the most inappropriate ways possible, and yet still managing to make it quaint.
See you on the 5th November.
Big love.